Tuesday, September 25, 2007
wonder why, wonder how - Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2007
today’s Musing written and published from south Calgary, near Fish Creek Park
10C/49F (high 13C), warm breeze cushion as an arch pushes the western sky, sun sneaking through as we walked the ridge path in the park, witnessing why Indian Summer is not a portion of a season as much as it is a description of this panoply of leaves painted autumn saying ‘it’s showtime’
yesterday I had a wizzbangdandygoodone – a new piece of business from a new client directed to me by a client, friend and colleague I’ve known a long time; great, lovely, thank you, uh-huh . .love it, grateful, good work, good stuff . . yeah; then the trigger worked its way through my brain to make something else happen using some long dormant skills, contacts long established and using tools I never had available back then; the business idea is not my point .. but rather wondering about how these elements come together in a confluence in my brain; I should probably just trust it with some degree of faith because the process has been proven to me before, but I still have to wonder why, wonder how
maybe I should show time more respect – rather than being anxious I could just sit back, being more observant of triggers when they show up – but, I know I lack that patience
I’ve been pondering - not that understanding how forks in the road present themselves or how pursuing unexpected opportunities bring about dramatic change, but wondering how to better harness these spurts of energy that get triggered; more mental than physical, the launch of amazing adventures, twists, turns and opportunities - I wonder how I could foster more of that without waiting for their triggers to show up
‘Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain
oops, there goes another one I missed; how often we’ve all wondered that when someone else invents the better mousetrap, starts a new business, does something innovative that we’d just been thinking about ourselves; I wonder if this is failure to recognize the value of the opportunity, timing or not being ready; Twain’s quote is taped to a picture frame that hangs over my desk, inside the frame is a photo captioned ‘Opportunity – you’ll always miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”
triggers trigger things, unexpected - they show up; a call often changes my morning or can alter my take on a relationship, a meeting can change my focus when it turns out to be about something other than what was expected; an offhand comment, sight or sound can trigger long dormant memories, a question can trigger a combo of dormant experiences, specific knowledge with new opportunities – yesterday was one of those days for me – some interesting and, I hope, profitable experience will flow
Mark Kolke
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