Sunday, September 23, 2007
somewhere - Sunday, Sept. 23, 2007
4C/40F (high 8C), distant siren broke silence, raining, dogs walked independently; Gusta romped, Sophie’s little feet working treadmill-like, tree droppings litter streets; first the rain, then somewhere there will be a rainbow
raison d'etre, so easily recognized in people we admire – tougher to see in the mirror; to clearly see that which drives you, that which gives you peace, that which gives you energy, that which gives you strength and courage; not found in the land of Oz over the rainbow, but it must be here among these animals because the toilet says Toto
yesterday’s calm after the storm coupled with a great note from Carla about her South American adventure brought peace when it was needed, calm to a wrinkled brow and soft sleep where none had been; five months ago today I first crossed paths with the pretty butterfly; she’s helped me appreciate so many things I thought fit into the ‘never again’ or ‘not likely’ column now seem possible, probable and highly desirable – I’ve found no closer place than at her side, no lines or lanes to keep us apart aside from imaginary rules and phantom hurdles in my head - magic is here
where the jumble of my junk drawer gives way to symmetry of her cutlery holder where spoons know their place back to back with all the other spoons; at this point where life’s path – everyone’s uncharted territory littered with life’s droppings, floods of tears, dry spells and waves of turbulence brings us, amazingly, to periods of calm, peace and serenity – 2 words for the same thing, comfort of linked arms, linked lives, linked up – 3 terms for the same thing
season changed, landscape littered with feeling, rainy day, rest, quiet, butterfly and rainbow – somewhere; somewhere is here
Mark Kolke
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