I notice I'm back on your 'musing blog' list. Have you had a good summer? Toronto has had the best summer ever this year Its been delight full. Thanks for remembering my birthday. Intentional or not - it was nice to hear from you on my special day - actually, everyday is my special day September 21 is most special. All the best, TP, Toronto
Sorry to hear about your dad... I am late to respond since I do not read your muses every day.... feeling guilt for not being there to respond of offer emotional support... yet as I see you have the support you need and all is divine. Happy to hear your father is better and the whole family doing well. My joy is hearing of the happiness you are experiencing and the relief you feel, the blessing you feel... I have to say I am not one who likes to read daily blogs in this since it is like reading or watching someone's life sort of voyeur... I usually read Deepak Choprahs blogs where there is some insights and wisdoms to receive.... I had a friend who is a New Age Teacher who was also sending out daily blogs felt like I was reading his diary... again I stopped reading them. Interesting how we can get caught up in being curious about someone's life ...someone we don't know ... as much as I love to share my life with friends I do not see myself sharing my every day and thought... I save that for those very close to me ... I honor your openness and ability to share your life... and it is a lesson for those who read it... and a pleasure, MV, Kihei, HI
My son is a rocket scientist, and he assures me that rocket surgery is not something with which you want to be associated, LF, Calgary
I made it safely after a long day of flying! I got to Lima about 1:00 a.m. local time and had to be on a bus at 3:30 to catch a flight to Cusco. We’re spending the day here acclimatizing to the altitude before we go on to higher heights :) I have been drinking coca tea all day to help deal with the altitude, but we all seem to be handling it pretty well. This city is pretty busy, and it’s definitely pedestrian beware. We explored some of the little shops and went into the very large, and overly ornate cathedral. With it’s gold and silver plated statues and displays, it’s definitely a contradiction to the poverty outside. Tomorrow, we’re off to the Sacred Valley and Ollantayambo, and then we start the trek. After three days in the Andes, we’ll be stopping off at Machu Picchu. I’m having a great time and the people I’ve met up with are very nice )three other Canadians, one American, two Australians, two Dutch and 5 from the UK), CK, Edmonton/Cusco, Peru
Breathing with a heavy heart, yesterday I watched my younger brother commit his loving partner of fifteen years to the ground. When the breathing stops, is there another place to go and retain dignity, to be comforted, to beheld by loving arms, to feel the warm breath of another, tell me there will be smiles, laughter, gentle breezes and the sensation of sunlight on your body. "T" Here at Home, WT, Calgary
I hope your Dad’s ok. I know how you feel. XXX had surgery on both of his kidneys two weeks ago and had to go back to the hospital this afternoon. Something’s not right, SB, Calgary
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 6:48 a.m.