Monday, September 17, 2007
passing thoughts - Monday, Sept. 17, 2007
7C/44F (high 13C), rain overnight slowed to a drizzle, then a drip - then just wet air, a lone duck circles the centre of a swollen lagoon, steady breeze blows like an air-conditioner left too long on high
each day, each of us, picks a direction; human compasses following a needle – some with purpose, some wandering aimlessly – but deep down most people are seeking one of two things; their true north or purpose in life often masked but revealed in actions, in heated words – the other, an inward journey to find true center
sometime it is someone we know or someone known to someone we know – a story with lines, headlines, poem lines, phone lines - lines drawn across canvas or a forehead landscape; lines of hurry, lines of worry; fear lines up next to grief, stands ready next to resignation – jostling in line are hope, optimism and potential; coyote cries died out, light arrived, off in the distance ambulance siren wailed signaling someone’s day is headed for a hospital domain where life is supported, where passing-on and passing-through are often separated by the width of a nose-hair; where sad stories often end, different stories are often writ in their place where hope renews, life re-starts for someone, hearts of families resume beating after an exhausting pause, the worst news passed, bad news may yet come but the worst seems over, passing by them to land at some other doorstep
passing thoughts help – yes, passing thoughts to someone helps them, passing thoughts to someone helps me help someone and that helps me, so help me it does every time; how we pass our thoughts to someone else has such a huge impact on their effectiveness; if we have something to offer, can they be of any value to someone who is not listening, to someone who does not trust, to someone who has no voice, to someone who has no freedom? . . the obvious answer is no, yet so often I see people telling it like it is to someone who has a tenuous grip at best on anything – the result is ignore, rebel or miss the point altogether - but, when we care much - friend, family member, object of desire - urge to delve, lecture, help, do-for, these things are so overwhelmingly strong, but the tendency is to seek easy solutions rather than right solutions, solutions that work for the solver rather than ones that fit for the person with the problem, solutions imposed rather than ones that are owned
I stir from my doze – sleep is passing, morning waits - safe, warm - rain days, Mondays, cold, feeling down – these are the words of song lyrics about sadness, about the blues, about not knowing where to go or how to get there, about lamenting where you’ve been, how hard the journey wore on, and on; the converse – cheery outlook, bright, bouncy, singin’ in the rain moods just as viable any Monday, every Monday but how do we get to that place when the ice recedes to let ships sail the passage . .
a plan, an idea to make a plan, a plan to develop an idea into a plan, a notion of an idea can become a plan just as a sentence can become longer by adding words – by putting wind in its sails, giving it life, giving it direction . . this morning is the beginning of something – not just for you or me but for anyone who wants it to be; not just something tossed aside in passing – pointed in two directions, not ‘to the hole’ and ‘to Maui’ as many might expect of me, but pointed toward passing on something useful to my children and leaving something worthy behind . . there is little else worth doing nearly as much as that during our short time here when each of us might live a century or till the end of the day; for that reason each day’s effort needs to be worthy of our best – you don’t have to agree, I’m just passing these thoughts along . .
Mark Kolke
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