Thursday, September 13, 2007
I will meet you in a field - Thursday, Sept. 13, 2007
0C/33F (high 17C), Gusta investigating where every goose had been; clear, calm and nippy - yellow leaves paint their dazzling reflection as steam rises off the lagoon
“To approach the stranger is to invite the unexpected, release a new force, let the genie out of the bottle. It is to start a new train of events that is beyond your control” – T. S. Eliot
like a turtle, who never gets anywhere without sticking his neck out a little, like so many people who always are missing the shots they don’t take – there is a time to take a shot; I take lots of shots, many miss, some hit their mark; the more shots I take the better shot I become, the better choices I make, the better my judgment becomes; I will never stop, I will never give up, I will never ever give up; in one area of pursuit, something friends and readers have come to watch as a spectator sport, has been my adventures and misadventures with women - my pursuit of ‘the whole package’ – has produced a very rare find, a true gem; some know PB means more than ‘pretty butterfly’, some know of her but very few people in my world know her yet, but there is plenty of time; for now most of our time is quiet, private and worth every precious minute; as always, there is a story:
the next day I connected - I will meet you, I asked – for coffee, I asked; I asked again . . and again – eventually, several months later, a meeting took place, for dinner rather than coffee, took place; at first she was just a stranger, a pretty face in the crowd, someone to meet - not knowing anything, not assuming anything . . no past, an unfolding present (presents should unfold, shouldn’t they?), a hopeful future ahead . .a field of possibilities
accepting the past, others and circumstances for what they are is mature - reality facing, it is wise, it is humbling, it is useful; accepting the ‘way we are’ is difficult sometimes for many people; to accept ‘the way we were’ is not just a statement about a sappy old movie, though for many of us a look back is probably sappy in some ways – but when we look back, humbly, it is easy to recognize our gaffes, flaws, shortcomings and our strengths, successes ….etc. - so, if we know how to look in the mirror to accept our past, to ‘try to accept our present’, what is so daunting about looking at the future?
what we imagine we can do, whatever path we choose, we can handle; whatever obstacles litter our path, we can overcome them or climb over or go around them – first in our minds, then in reality; our future will be made of these things: things we cannot imagine or hope to control + the things we decide + accidental occurrences caused by lack of planning or foresight + what we can dream
there is only ingredients in that future recipe I can control, ‘things I decide to make happen’ and what I dream’; the future does not have be a repetition of old ways or like the present, it need not look like anyone else’s expectations – only our own
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I will meet you there.” – Jalal ad-Din Rumi (1207-1273), translated from ancient Persian
Mark Kolke
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