Sunday, September 16, 2007
après 7-iron - Sunday, Sept. 16, 2007
7C/45F (high 22C), steady breeze, brilliant blue sky, path vacant as we walked the ridge path, most leaves turning shades of yellow but few leaves have hit the dirt - the next couple of weeks are going to offer spectacular exhilaration
c’mon over, après this or that – light words that float; Sunday morn - aftermath of afterglow of après golf, après walk, après breakfast; this wonderful word après always means after something, but the way it sounds, the way the accent sits like a tipped beret signals something else . . daring dare, a calling call, an inviting invite . .
in 20 years of reasonably studious golfing I’ve not made a shot that could compare, in 56 yrs. there are few days that brought as much fun, play, stress-relief and laughs as yesterday brought for me
p. butterfly took me golfing yesterday, we had a great round in glorious sunshine, ending as a fireball of red-brown painted clouds above a jagged rocky horizon
it was on the 9th hole from 124 yds. out on my second shot after a disastrous flubbed drive off a tree trunk that barely made it past the ladies tee box; my ball was in the rough on the left edge of the fairway, I was hitting up to an elevated green; as the ball took flight my line was looking good, but falling short of the flag at the back of the green - when we got up there my ball was nowhere in sight – I found my ball mark . .. a skid . . right on line for the hole; it wasn’t on the fringe or in the traps, I looked in the hole and there it was; while this was no hole-in-one, that birdie made me just a tad annoying après the 9th hole since I may have mentioned it a few too many times
what a day . . a butterfly and a birdie . . spectacular exhilaration
Mark Kolke
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