Thursday, August 30, 2007
touching buttons - Thursday, Aug. 30, 2007
26C/79F (humidity 86%), I walked the beach in Galveston this morning . . . very early, from 2:30 till 5:00 working of an IHOP breakfast of steak, eggs and pancakes, and a pot of coffee; spectacular experience at ‘east beach’ which is as far south as you can go here without getting wet - colours of the sand, views under that full moon would defy any photographer or painter to capture that feeling – of heat, humidity, textures, shades of the sand – seaweed – debris collage, night sounds, critters and shore birds getting active at 3:30 at the same time fishing boats start chugging out of the harbour and early clammers parking on the beach (could they be parked there in the middle of the night for some other reason?)
body and mind are in the same container but somewhat disconnected . . must go do some work and sleeping now . . or is that the other way ‘round? . . it has been a long night’s journey into day - as I wheeled my rental car through the airport exit about 1AM, needed to get my bearings – unfamiliar freeways much easier to drive at that hour and, given my days here being spent in the north and downtown, that was my one chance to go put my foot in the Gulf of Mexico which I did – IHOP were great plus, as the only place open, their bathroom came in handy too
driving around the Houston area in fog this morning reminds me of the lower mainland of BC - only flatter than Saskatchewan, lush, pretty – as best describes The Woodlands, an upscale suburb near the airport where I have established an office presence for our business efforts in Texas
my disposition improved - over recent days – communication problem, if not solved, then at least substantially repaired; a night flight to Houston through a couple of thunderstorms – I’d not seen lightning from that angle before, it was quite the show
we all have hot-buttons; I have as many as anyone I suppose, often someone’s words or actions trigger a reaction – in part to the words or action of the moment, but amplified because of some past deed of someone who long ago left the landscape, but that angst remains . . waiting for its trigger
shedding light on things is important, but sharp edges, contrasts, contradictions and conflicts can appear – sometimes without warning, sometimes without rhyme, or reason; shedding moonlight on things produces a softer light, a gentler touch on the angst button
Mark Kolke
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