Tuesday, August 14, 2007
launch time - Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2007
10C/50F (high 21C), glorious sunshine, fresh breeze – visions of walking a beach in Wailea float through my brain, I can feel the water and sand at my feet – the Evergreen lagoon walk will do for now, Gusta inspected where ditch diggers had covered their work, pronounced it satisfactory and moved on, ducks hiding this morning as gulls have invaded their turf
yesterday’s email laughter behind me, lessons learned all around – and further validation for my book’s working title ‘It Ain’t About You Sweetheart’
I found yesterday in a couple of conversations I smugly thought I had the answer to someone’s problem, dealing with their challenge best met with my attitude, my method, the way I had addressed it in my life, my family
it doesn’t work that way; not just because my solutions are only right for me because someone else has not had the life, the characters, the shared family experiences that would make my solution ‘right’ for their situation; mostly, I hope, I listened empathetically though I know I said too much - not my business, not my circumstances, not something I should try to influence – my rationalization that it involves someone I care about was just that, rationalization
a few months ago, pursuing a lead to pitch my writing services to a fantastic client – a request - ‘send me some copies of things you’ve written, send me your material, send me the address of your website’, seemed innocent enough; I had made the decision to begin the focused process of morphing from transactional real estate work being my principal activity and revenue generator to building my writing business; I had made the decision to spend more time in Hawaii and other warmer places, I had made so many decisions I was acting upon, but then – that day – in just a minute it crystallized; I didn’t have a website that framed that message, painted that picture, told my story . . that made my point; I needed to create one, I needed to establish a presence in my target US markets instead of just talking about it – I needed to do all that, I didn’t have a stellar team of colleagues on board sufficient to credibly market myself in multiple markets as I envisioned – I needed to build one, I didn’t have my ‘material’ in a form ready for presentation or pitching that explained my vision, my plan, my process - I needed to create something – quickly learning how much time it would take; I have, I did, I have expanded horizons and my connections with some wonderful colleagues – I have broadened and deepened the vision of what can be done, ought to be done . . wow
today is the day to begin telling the world – to promulgate my message, a well framed one I believe - launch time, tell the world time; http://www.frameyourmessage.com/ is now ‘ready for viewing’ (please take a peek), culmination of several months work, extraordinary wise counsel and editing by Carla who helped me enormously on this project and is a member of my TEAM; as well, tonight I will publish the first issue of COMMUNIQUE , a monthly communications newsletter
there you have it, reasons I have not been playing much golf this summer, being a bit of a social hermit and, must run now . . the cleaning lady will arrive momentarily and I have to clean up – seems odd, doesn’t it, cleaning up for the arrival of the cleaning crew
Mark Kolke
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