Good Morning Mark, Some how I ended up on your Musing’s email list. Your thoughts on communication spurred me to send you the Bible Study Fellowship attachments, Blessings, AW, Calgary
Mark, I enjoy the musings as you have hit the similar state of being a lot of over 50's are feeling about wanting to really 'be' while they 'do', PD, Vancouver, BC
Please add me to your emailing list. I would like to reflect on your thoughts. I am borrowing, no time for originality yet, JT, ?
Yes... one person can be both... not sure about two because haven't had the pleasure of the experience with a significant other... but do have a best friend (for some 45 or so years) and we share that sort of friendship.. I suspect the level of trust built up over the years have allowed us that, JB, Klamath Falls, OR
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 7:26 p.m.