Hiya! I had some email “issues” this week, but I did receive the newsletter and am enjoying your musings whenever I have a few minutes J Thanks for your help!, DM, Calgary, PS…I love your new photo…very distinguished!
Hi – I just finished this book by Paulo Coelho (The Alchemist) and loved it. I am not sure if you have read it or any of his novels but this was wonderful. Follow your dreams and listen to your heart. I am back to work. I think I am way too old to work 7 days in a row; it’s for the young I believe. Have a good weekend., Cheers, DB, Red Deer, AB
Can caterpillars audition? Mark, you are such a tease, SM, Calgary
Mark .... you exhaust me . Now you are thinking about doing a movie ? Sheesh .. when do you find the time to do everything ? I thought I was a multi-tasker but dang it ... you are putting me to shame. Have a great weekend .. CCC, Calgary
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 6:46 a.m.