Hi Mark, Glad your paradise was spared by the hurricane! I was there in1980 following one that hit the Keahai (sp?) area and the beaches wereall rocks and debris. It takes so long to clean up and refurbish thesand. I am one who needs my sleep too. I find that if I am edgy (some wouldsay cranky), I am either tired or need to eat...the basics that keep usgoing I suppose. I often suffer from a mind that won't rest...it goesninety miles an hour reviewing my day or upcoming events and lets thesleep bug evade me. I like to walk or work out and hit the sack withtotal exhaustion and then slide into restful oblivion until the clockrings the next morning. SL, Calgary
Hi Mark, I am a new reader, and, as a fellow writer and philosopher, enjoy yourmusings very much. In fact, when I can't read them, I save them until Ican. I just read your April 21 "Earth Day" note and resonate so much withit that I had to let you know. This past year (for me) has been filledwith lessons about expectations -- specifically, how letting others' wordsor actions set them often leads to disappointment or frustration. Likestepping up as a citizen of this planet and being responsible for it, weare truly responsible for our own expectations and outcomes. However, Ilove what you said about maintaining our beliefs about high expectations ingeneral. I'm having trouble putting the feeling into words, but I'mreminded of the quote "Without vision, the people perish." Without thebelief in the fact that who we are and the good we contribute to the worldresonates with others and returns to enrich our hearts and lives, we maynot be mentally, emotionally or physically aligned to receive what comesback when our expectations are actually met. Today's Musing was a reminder ofmy responsibility to myself and a lovely lesson in balance. Thank you, JH, Los Angeles
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 8:01 p.m.