I continue to enjoy Musings but not keen on the current font you are using; I quite liked your previous font as it distinguished itself from work emails! Enjoy the rest of summer, AK, Calgary
Impulse control's a funny thing. It can be lacking in the one who's watching for its appearance. That ole' saying, point the finger at someone else and three are point back at you is quite apropos to this situation. My apologies. Through the veil of my misconception I have read many things incorrectly. My apologies again. Humble pie never tasted so enticing. Great lesson for me to learn and grow. Thank you, LG, Calgary
E-mail does pose a medium for misunderstanding. You cannot see the person speaking their words, hearing the tone, reading the body language. So much of what is said is unsaid...how it is parlayed, how it is received. I have sat in meetings and been asked at the intermission how I felt the speaker was being received by the crowd, what was my impression of their acceptance, empathy, or discord. So much of communication relies on body language, tone and eye contact that e-mail leaves one wide open for misinterpretation at times, like how different each person feels when they read the same poetry. SL, Calgary
That happens to me too - just wait and someone clarifies, realizing after "send" how their words might sound, or that they deleted part of their comments. Most of us are too busy with concerns about ourselves to dedicate time to hurting others. There have been a few times when I assumed that the comments were unintended, but the person did intend to interfere and hurt. In those few cases it was fortunate that the usual politeness was dropped and I could identify that the person had chosen to add me to their list of enemies, or was just one of those very few people who go out of their way to hurt others. Mostly though, people like things to go smoothly, to the point where blandness is a distinct hazard! Some of the most interesting people I know seemed bland at first because they are concerned that any open discussion of anything would wound someone who might not agree with some point of discussion. That might be one reason why people like musings, blogs, etc, because in the computer context they feel more free to discuss. LHE, Calgary
Thanks for your reply. I think it may be size of the font – your previous Musings used a larger size and it was easier (and more fun) to read. Now when I see your Musings in the small font, my thoughts and eyes groan as I receive so many emails at work that use small font size and it just becomes a challenge to read them all .....so, the larger font that you previously used was more eye-catching and my interest to read them piqued! Then again, if no one else seems bothered, don't change anything......I will still read and enjoy your writings! Have a good week!, AK, Calgary
I hear ya…. The few times I’ve dropped everything to respond to an urgent request or a ‘attack’ on something I’ve done, spent time agonizing over my response and all for naught. It would turn out ‘not so urgent’ after all, in fact, not even needed anymore or the intent not being as ‘ill’ as seemed. All that anger, frustration & wasted time for nothing. I read your words every day and just appreciate learning something about people and human nature then I leave the rest, SM, Calgary
Always reply truthfully from the heart, giving as wanting to receive. I myself always remembering to send that which uplifts, enlightens, and releases. If I receive emails that touch me in a way that brings out my anger, I look at it and ask why does this touch me so, rather than let the person who has touched my button receive the energy that I feel, I look at it embrace it, then in a balanced state send a message that brings harmony rather than the personal stuff that was present. My choice always .... be the voice of love... no matter what. This is not easy all the time, but with practice each one of us can be one to bring balance, first to and from our self, then out to the others that touch our lives. Then because of the effort of self reflection and love, it becomes easier to respond in a balanced way... creating harmony ...rather than being one that becomes the punching bag that bounces back only to be punched again... what you give you receive... it is a truth... it is real... So how are we replying this is the question? What is it we are sending out? It will come back. And so we grow, MV, Kihei, HI
Did I say thank you for remembering my special day. I need the proper device to hold all that my brain won’t and the paper I lose can’t. Is life good? I could use your insight and advise, can we get together?, KK, Calgary
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 7:20 p.m.