Monday, July 23, 2007
waiting - Monday, July 23, 2007
20C/62F (high 31C); it was cool walking early this morning as sunrise first lit the sky, cool quiet, cool neat, cool air met my face as we cruised through the park trail, rabbits on reconnaissance missions, deer elusive though I sensed they were there so close, Gusta’ nose could not be wrong
great golf yesterday – AW, SM & played at River Spirit – laughs and interesting experiences with some of the more interesting friends in my collection, what a combo on a gorgeous day
we wait for mail, for something to upload, download, be posted, be announced, be _?_; it seems everyone waits for something, a day to arrive or someone to depart, a position to be reached, achievement, post or position accomplished – arriving someplace we are or are going to be, someone on a pedestal, on display - available for viewing; we all wait for something, but who waits patiently without being restless?
I wonder if the opposite of restless is rest more, or if it might mean we are as good as dead, dormant, frozen, stuck, immobile; if I wait, what do I wait for, when it arrives, will I recognize it – or will it wake me to new experiences?
when I start something – no idea where it will go, how it will look - I can turn back, stop, change direction, or forge ahead – having started - letting loose a beginning
I cannot un-start anything; like digging a hole - then refilling it, there is always some volume left over (growth perhaps?), but certainly we cannot stuff everything back in the container from whence it came – not so much Pandora’s box, more like yeasty dough rising – we can pound it down but it is always more than it looks, often more than we imagined it would be
I wait for waves upon my shore, moving landscape around, food from the sea to sustain, to nudge, to ebb, to flow . . to think, to grow
waiting here
Mark Kolke
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