Monday, July 30, 2007
turning point - July 30 musing
17C/63F(high 23C), noisy pre-dawn geese sorties broke the quiet, day-old heat hung lazily in early sunshine, then quickly fled as cloud and haze blew in; Gusta pulled, my knees and shoulders shuddered as she dragged me along; paths quiet, the neighbourhood vacant except for holiday folk with fences to build
Scott - thanks for the Doho weather report
memory is great – anything you want, anywhere you want; no need to go there – just remember it – but taking some time for sitting idly by a mountain stream, walking in a mountain meadow or skiing down to one – or any moment we enjoy; sometimes we have to rely on memory because busy people cannot find the time
you can find it; when we give up time from something we really want to add to our daily routine, it doesn’t have to be something big we give up – but, where do we grab that hour?
at the end, some days, I examine what is left; my tally - some letters I did not write, accounting I omitted, a bill I’ll pay tomorrow – also I’ve often missed a trip to the gym, a call, a meeting, an errand – every one important, or they wouldn’t be on my list, right?
?? where can I find that required time - my first place to steal/borrow time, if from sleep-time but that is a hard one to pay back; I look for some idle time (we all need some, but I’ve yet to meet anyone who said they could not give up some of their idle time to spend time with someone incredible or for ‘free tickets to the big game’); we always have the time – what we fail to do is admit that it is simply a matter of choice that has us say ‘no’ or ‘not available’ to do things we know are important to us or to others who matter
I plot course for my newest adventure – it seems I am turning my head, looking where I want to go, two tracks requiring some parallel turns; in time I learned to ‘turn my head to look where I wanted to go’ so that my body could follow; yet when I was learning to downhill ski, I found that to be one of the most difficult things I did - learning to do that parallel turn
that struggle from snow-plow to a nice sliding parallel turn looked so easy but I thought it should be hard – it looked hard – and I think I made it even harder because I was so determined to make it happen that things like taking a lesson or asking for help were far from my mind
I have a new challenge I thought would be hard – but it seems I’ve learned a thing or two along the way which is making it a little easier; I’ll report back in a year or two to let you know if I can make those turns
Mark Kolke
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