Thursday, July 26, 2007
meet you there - Thursday, July 26,2007
today’s Musing written and published from south Calgary, near Fish Creek Park
13C/55F, still sky an empty blue bubble; we walked in the park - news of the roaming cougar’s capture/relocation eased concern – amazing day for sitting on a deck or patio behind any of the luxurious homes we walked by, dozens of them, but not one person sitting out there enjoying morning sunshine, morning coffee . . just a border collie half Gusta’s size with a big bark to scare her away
“meet you in the field” – could be kids planning a gopher hunt, farmers planning a crop, bully setting a meeting after school, developers developing, dog owners scheduling a walk, lovers snatching time – meeting someone in a field, a field of possibilities – can be anything you want, where you want it; a mental construct as much as it is any place, your field of possibilities or the field of dreams can be anywhere, so can mine, so can ours – but once there, in this risk/reward opportunity/fear infested field, what might we find?
how about living and working in another field? is this your field? are you in my field? I wish I was in your field!
acceptance of what we do, who we are, how we feel is something I believe we need, want – crave, the more we discover ourselves; a basic a survival need as babies, now, or any time in life, especially as we unfold our innards to find some things that are outside the norm, a little avant garde . . then we really need that acceptance; to know however wacky we might be from time to time, our minds-altered in some way, that we are held – not at arms length – but held close just because we are who we are, not in spite of who we are – that spells acceptance; we all need what I need - acceptance from someone who cares to know me, who wants to understand me, who has my interests at heart when they give me feedback, someone who witnesses me – and I them, not to analyze, not to dissect – just to be
acceptance and understanding to be genuine, flows easily in a mode of effortlessness, otherwise it is non-acceptance, non-understanding and not particularly useful at all
sometimes I get wrapped up in my funque-du-jour, we probably all have issues we think are so unique to us, unique to our relationship with one particular person that frustrates us at the moment – as if we are the only person, only group, only couple that has ever struggled with this issue because we are so self-aware, so modern, so tech-savvy, so forward thinking etc… you’ve all read the jargon many times; I’ve found some comfort . . acceptance in a fashion . . in some very old words
“Out beyond ideas of wrong doing and right doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.” – Jalal ad-Din Rumi (Persian poet & mystic 1207-1273)
Mark Kolke
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