Hi, Mark. I don’t even know who put me on your list, but I’m glad they did. I’m a professional communicator for a public utility in New Orleans, La. I’ve been a writer, in some form or another, for many years. Thus, I am also a voracious reader of diverse and manifold prose and verse. Yours stands out. It’s fresh, engaging, friendly and comfortable, like a chat with a friend on a mellow hike through a morning forest. Unlike many writers who attain technical proficiency yet never breathe life into their work, you share yourself, bravely. This instills a vulnerability and humanity in your work that gently penetrates the spiky battlements of our daily grind and gives us, your readers/friends, a cool, serene moment within ourselves. I look forward to our morning walks. For that, and myriad other little bright moments your words have and will bring, thank you. Scritchy-scratch Gusta behind the ears for me …, CW, New Orleans, LA . . p.s. Take care, and don't forget to tell Gusta she has a fan, too
Kudos to you for having the self esteem to not be daunted by others perceptions of how you should act, believe, think, or otherwise. There are way to many people willing to try and restrain our thoughts with an idea that they are giving well intended advise, and to be able to say, get over it, is in my thoughts a very strong statement that indicates that you are still happy with who you are despite the constant nattering of people that want us to all be the same, or at least go by their prescribed set of rules. Most people that say that you should get your shit together, are standing in it at the time, DM, Red Deer . . p.s. . let me correct that.......... Most people that say that they have their shit together, are standing in it at the time. That is how the saying goes.
Nice of you to check in...of course, I have an idea of what goes on with you, from your daily musings. Life is great here...summer on Whidbey Island is terrific if only because of the weather and the scenery. A gorgeous moon last night, reflected in the pond in my back yard, I said out loud, "This is too good....my life is blessed." My health is great...almost 4 years post cancer. I am currently planning to have reconstruction surgery in January 2008. I haven't wanted to take the time and deal with the trauma of it, but am finally feeling ready. It is a week's stay in the hospital, and a week or two of recovery at home, and a lot of pain. I've been dating a bit, haven't found what you, too, are looking for...but I remain optimistic! Meanwhile, my life is rich, I have wonderful friends, I live in a terrific place and do work I love. Everything I can control is as good as it can be. Take good care...stay in touch when you have time, NC, Coupeville, WA . . p.s. We had our Relay for Life to raise funds for the American Cancer Society the first weekend in June. Altogether, our event raised over $150,000. A very worthwhile cause, and it is just something you can do....for yourself, for your friends who have survived, and something you can do with the grief for those who did not. Be generous!
I enjoyed your blog. You are quite an interesting Man. Very Deep and with a little trickster... :-) I did not know you liked Chopra, if you sign up on MySpace you can have Chopra as one of your friends, then subscribe to his blog... he writes VERY POWERFUL AND DEEP material almost daily. I have commented on a few. I send you love light, MV, Kihei, HI
Here’s a word for my writer friend. Haptonomia, “There is a whole science of touch, haptonomia. Through it people are trying to define what should come spontaneously and naturally in relationships of love, trust and respect, but which has been deformed through a fear of our bodies or a desire to use people. Are we not all called to reveal to people through touch that we love them, that they are important and that we want them to be happy?” - Jean Vanier, DB, Red Deer
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 7:20 p.m.