You are trying too hard for the woman in your life. She's probably already there, you can't see her. Have you made room for her? Is there room in the garage for her car, is there room in the closet for her clothes, is there room in the bed for her or do you sleep in the middle? Make room and act like she's there and you'll see her. Sorry Mark it's not me! I am married and wouldn't do a thing to change it, he's a great guy, loves me and treats me well, puts up with me and my clothes/shoes fetish and is a great dad too, I am very blessed. I noticed that one of your favorite authors is Chopra, have you read Tolle?, NG, Calgary
I've been getting your daily distributions and I have to agree with a comment that I read to your July 25th posting...You are looking to hard!I met my second husband (10 years coming up) quite by accident. I was a single Mom, 3 kids, needing extra money and I rented a room to him. Who would have guessed that our business arrangement would turn to friendship and when he moved out we would recognize how much we meant to each other. Love happens in the most mysterious ways and I truly believe it does just happen. I am certainly nothing like the ideal girlfriend/wife in his minds eye. In fact I was and still am at the furthest other end of the spectrum and I had 3 little packages that came right along with me! Be patient my new friend! Love will happen in the most unexpected time!Love you daily musings, thanks for brightening my day!, L?, Oakville, ON
One man seeing that being so superficial has no good ending. Good for you to discover this while still in your fifties, because, for most, this "revelation" doesn't come until they're in their sixties or beyond when all good, interesting, worthy women are involved with men who know how to bond emotionally and appreciate the brains and the heart....I commend you on your openness. Warmly, EVD, Pasadena, CA
The Field! When I say "Meet you in the Field I am referring to the etheric field, that energy field where our higher selves, that part of us that is divine, go to play when we are busy doing something--or nothing -- else. It is very efficient for communication, and the play between friends who meet there can be quite delicious!, CS, Maine
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 8:53 p.m.