Hi Mark, I can relate to the wait. I have waited for many things in my lifetime .. phone calls that never come, test results you wish had not, planes, answers, babies, true love, museum buildings, and opportunities. Waiting is a trap. There will always be reasons to wait. But there are more compelling and important reasons to move on.., LR, Irvine, CA
'Waves upon my shore'... conjures up images of soothing water, warm beaches ... barefoot walks in the sand (I think I hear the Caribbean calling me this Winter...lol). Some things we start in life gather their own momentum and get wildly out of control ... other things grow slowly, gradually and amaze us with their evolution (our children perhaps?). Some thoughts, some conversations, some actions...maybe weneed to think more before we act? SL, Calgary
Still enjoying the musings despite much to do and ten days out of town almost every month! For me, the opposite of restless is the energy that comes when I am in a time of great growth, or the energy that accompanies inner peace, loosely defined by me as when I am acting in the direction that is in harmony with core beliefs. I've learned that people who must be up and doing every minute are not necessarily restless in their spirits and in themselves, they might be expressing their inner peace by moving physically as they need to, like potential clients that I am meeting today. Musings gave me the push to articulate some of this - thank you! LHE, Calgary
Sometimes I actually enjoy some of your musings. On a serious note, now that I know you like golf you have my attention. I find it frustrating and addictive. Something about pain and pleasure combined, work and play, anger and happiness all getting mixed together in one pot and randomly dolled out. Camaraderie ensues as we all become each others comforter, friend and enemy, and competitor sharing the best moment, the 19th hole over a cold brew. Finding a new ProV1 is often the highlight of my entire game as my score seldom goes below 90. Playing the back tees to see if you can break 100 from now there is a good way of measuring your real game against the course as the pros really play it. Changing equipment in a desperate attempt at correcting your deficits provides a fleeting hope of improvement but is worth every penny, ML, Stuart, FL
I'm not sure how I got on this list. This is my work email address; send them to XXX, Best Regards, DE, Calgary
Hi Mark, Please Note: My e-mail address is changing effective immediately. The new address is: XXX. Hope you're having a good summer. SD, Devon
Apparently I have been deleted or excommunicated - enjoy your musings and can relate to a lot of them. Thanks, RS, Salt Lake City
Hi there, I appreciate that someone thought to add me to this list, but I would rather not receive the emails going forward. Thanks, EG, ?
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 7:48 p.m.