An old beau from 6 years ago.........suddenly popped up and wanted to revive things........I think it's going strong, How about you???, Still enjoy reading your musings..........have recently changed by email address. LR, Calgary … P.S. I still read your 'musings" but sometimes they tend to get a bit windy.....
More and more these days I get messages of the passing of friends. One arrived today. He will be remembered for his technological innovations that live on after him. As I age there are fewer and fewer people I can remember with and alert to the loss of another friend. I know that death is a vital part of life that comes to all of us, but even when we expect it it comes as a shock. That intellectual spark, that artistic talent, that unique being is lost forever in the here and now. They simply resonate in our minds living on as we continue to pass each day and often build upon their ideas and thoughts. Friend Paul may you find joy in that great computer in the sky. It was good to know you as our paths crossed on life's long walk on spaceship Earth, FB, Stafford, VA
When I was crawling out of the depths that my divorce had thrown me into, I realized that the nice, safe world I had existed in didn't really exist. I began to spread my wings, try new things (learned to rollerblade at 41), travel and meet new people, new friends, new men. Some of those experiences were not as memorable as others, some for good things, some for bad, some best forgotten. It was and is a growing experience. You must 'put yourself out there' and then you will experience the most. Life doesn't come to you, you must get out there and grab it. Whether or not you want to hang on or not depends on so many things, but when you have something precious it is the best thing in the world! Hang on and enjoy! SL, Calgary
Today is a day for you to celebrate. The narrative was more revealing of your persona than any other I have read in the past. Because you are you and she is her and you are able to communicate without any distraction. Keep that wheel turning and you will retain the excitement of being one. "T" Here at Home, WT, Calgary
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 6:55 p.m.