Nice Narrative:
Touching and feeling; Body Braille.
Touch was our first Language
It came before sight
It came before hearing
Touch will be our last Language
And touch, always, always tells the Truth
- Margaret Atwood
I can reach out my hands and touch the broad shoulders of my brother and know his strength. I can reach out and feel the worn hands of my father and know his weariness. I can reach out and touch the tired wrinkles of my mother and feel her failing. I can run my hands down the silkened back of my lover and know her Passion, "T" Here at Home, WT, Calgary
I haven't scrolled all the way down in your musing for awhile. I love the new picture. Keep up the thought provoking conversations. You reminded me that I have not been to Bonterra for quite a few years. Sounds like it's time to return. Have a wonderful day! MW – Calgary
...this was the first Musings I rec'd since the 14th. Not sure why only some come thru? . . . Touching for me is very physical, very demonstrative. Different levels from public to private ... eyes open, eyes closed...casual to intense. I know things feel different with my eyes closed ...finger tips more sensitive, background noises come to life or diminish, feelings are more intense, more aware. Good food is that way too...eyes closed to savour the taste, texture ... eyes open to enjoy the company, the play of emotions across the others' face. Those are the little vignettes you remember...stolen moments in time...good or bad memories. SL, Calgary
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 6:58 p.m.