Hi Mark – re today’s Musings. How can you have Gusta without some of the “Au” included? That lettering is the Periodic Table of the Elements symbol for pure gold. Based on your musings about ‘Gusta, I am convinced her authentic name is “Augusta” and either the Au is silent or ‘Gusta is just a contraction just like Ken is for Kenneth. Please clarify – enquiring minds want to know, KC, Edmonton
Gotta love Beecher. Gotta love dandelions. Determined. Tenacious. Vibrant. Nothing can subdue their desire to grow free. Nothing can dampen their spirits from blossoming in the light. Life happens on the edge of reason on the other side of our comfort zones. There's always a good reason to reach out and touch someone if only to find out if they'll touch back. So glad we got in touch! As Beecher suggests, life is a radiant place when we see the unexpected wonder of dandelions growing "like a spark from the sun." What a sparkling musing! Thanks, LG, Calgary
RE: tag - you're it! - July 14 musing, Good read, thanks, AR, Burlington
I wonder about that adventure being in the ditch ..... perhaps the excitement and variety of some different species of wild flower may be found in that ditch rather than those found along the straight and narrow roadside?? Is there any harm in exploring, in testing different waters, in stepping out and seeing where you land, even if you fall - you will surely get up again to seek more wild flowers and more new experiences??? Perhaps the "fun" that you mention you are having "too much" of is in your life is there because you are willing to see what is away from the accepted, the tolerated, the assumptions and expectations. Why not? Who sets the rules that say you will never couple again, you may not couple in a conventional manner but "never", as they say, is such along time, and fun along the way must surely be a part of our lives for without it what are we?? I too have been told this by those who are more conventional, more on the straight and perhaps somewhat narrow path, those who wish more than anything to be in a "relationship" which means their particular thought and form of coupledom but to those that offer me their views of my life and how I live it I would say - "Different strokes for different folks" - sometimes silly adages do come in handy to just pass a light brush over the naysayer's nay sayings - in every action there is possibility for those who want to let it happen. Who says we have to stay within the lines of convention, walk the straight and narrow path, be as others may see us, or not. Perhaps our parents would like to think they are responsible for ALL that we are and do, perhaps our friends would like to see us have less fun, more fun, be less this or more that, perhaps those with whom we work would like us to be more diligent but we are our own beings and, as you say in today's musings, letting things happen is perhaps more for Buddhist Monks than us mere thinking, feeling, being mortals who think we know what we want and are not sure it will come to us unless we push those boundaries and seek the satisfaction of knowing that at least we tried to satisfy our wants and needs. As I have aged I have become freer with my wit (such as it is), my laughter, my sense of fun, my laughter, my smiles, and yes, sometimes I shock, sometimes I startle, sometimes I step out in the abyss without thinking how my actions may be construed, I have no intention of hurting anyone, I like people and I like them to like me but I feel that conformity of what I thought was expected made me feel dull and boring. It is much more "fun" to just let things go where they will whether it be the ditch or the straight and narrow - perhaps a mixture of both is the answer, I am darned if I know, but it is much fun to be living this way than deliberating over what might have been had I not spread my wings and soared in just that moment. Even if I crashed because I didn't know how to land correctly, safely, or within the correct social norms for a person of this certain age, responsibility, maturity - surely it was better to have had that glorious unfettered feeling of just being there in the moment. I am beginning to think that perhaps your musings are my "dandelion in the sun" - they certainly make me think about tings and that, after all may be your intention - or not, GC, Calgary
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 7:15 p.m.