Monday, June 25, 2007
risk living - Monday, June 25, 2007
11C/51F (high 12C), chilly overnight .. brrr (83F in Maui today), sunny, light breeze, my typical early/late start to somewhat sleep deprived Monday is in high gear; I’m pumped, the first pot of coffee drained, time to start another . . Gusta can no longer see over the grass around the lagoon so the grass just ripples as the hidden pooch makes her way along except when she leaps out to startle passersby
no one gets through life alive, so what is there to fear from living vigourously?
everything I’ve written today I’ve written bits and pieces of before I suppose; I’ve learned lately – profoundly – that some things I was so very certain of turned out to be false, not a little bit false, but a lot false; I’d never have learned that if I’d not taken some deliberate steps to find out, to test, poke, prod, turn upside down . . easier with pillows and salads than it is with people . . easier than with relationships . . but worth every toss and turn
I’ve probably been more free in my thinking (maybe a little irreverent too) than I can ever remember; I’m feeling better physically and mentally, accomplishing as much or more than ever and I think I’m being more effective for myself and for others . .
old tapes play in our heads; learned from parents or past loves or past lives, from a text book or from some 'big book' representing a belief system, from responses the last time we tried this or that, personal and societal rules rooted in fear of offending someone, some rule or fear of having a hurtful experience repeated - what prison
thoughts, ones we never give voice to or write down, imprisoned thoughts, wisps, hopes, ideas, dreams; if we think it, the best it can do is roll around in our head captured, imprisoned – but, released from prison, we expose them to atmosphere so sound waves reach eardrums, print reaches optic nerves - anything and everything can change, often sooner than we think
'we', meaning all of us/society, constantly struggling to fix what's broken because everything seems to be, to tell truths except to those who are not supposed to know for fear of reactions, to buy this 'new improved' thing because of big trouble with the old version (ie: Y2K) is imminent, or fear of zealots wreaking havoc; fear-based thinking permeates society, it seems to be at the root of commerce, politics, religion, relationships and families
‘we’ rush out to buy vitamin D because someone announced it prevents cancer, we rush to the pump if gas might go up overnight; we embrace/reject pros and cons of global warming, global poverty, global disease – flipping, flopping to stay ahead of the crowd – not to be leaders – more like lemmings; we don’t do this so much as individuals as we do it as a government or society, but we are all part of it in some way, afraid we might be wrong, lacking conviction to believe we are right
‘we’ don’t have to do any of that; plan a meeting, plan a golf game, plan a picnic, plan a trip, plan anything; say something, say anything, say everything, say what you wish, say what you want; do, do it, do the thing, do the thing that scares you a little – not because it might be right or might be wrong, but do it because it is the first step in doing things rooted in the real you as opposed to some collective ‘we’ don’t do that, ‘we’ don’t experiment or risk like that
let yourself out of prison; it’s a little scary on the outside if your only view is from the inside, but when we risk, REALLY RISK, living the freedom pays dividends daily
fear life, of fear the fear of life or fear death, or fear death without having lived
your choice . . pick one, pick some - then ask what that choice means?
worse, sit still not making any choices at all
the great thing about free thinking is that it is free, but when you do it you get a real charge from it
Mark Kolke
Musings need not be a monologue, but to make it a dialogue is dependent upon your responses, which are welcomed - please write me with your feedback/comments.
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