Thanks for sending me your musings. I find them life filled, PL, Calgary
Thanks for sharing the new picture; nice to have an update. Enjoy thelong w/e!, AK, Calgary
Thanks for the inspiration. I having been meaning to go to the Millarville races. Now you've inspired me! Thanks. LG, Calgary
I think you are talking about the importance or "synergy" which is such a positive force that recharges us all, RDM Calgary
I love your new picture...Gorgeous colour of blue. You rock Darlin' , JH, Kelowna
Captured in a capsule of speakers, who goes first, who is right who is wrong - excitement of the spoken word, or not? The mouth opens, words tumble out - the mouth opens food is applied to maintain the strength to offer more advice through conversation - how much of what is expressed is really pertinent? Shoulders touching in the crowded room-some tall -some small -some lean -some mean -some looking for -some running from Who are we, just friends? occasional lovers? Just people looking for a place to be needed Clarity isn't impossible if we remain honest to ourselves. "T" Here at home.., WT, Calgary
Longer than a long time is REALLLY LOOOONG! Yes, our Toastmaster group is like extended family. I love it. DM, Calgary
I like your reference to 'extended family' in your group. So many people live away from their families that the need to share extends to their 'chosen' family. My best friend has/had a dysfunctional family that she chose to distance herself from in order to avoid a lot of hurt. In turn, our bond has grown in the almost thirty years since we met as a couple of teens working in a small jewelry store, to as close as sisters (but better because we chose each other). We see each other only once or twice a year (a province separates us), but it is always as if we were never apart, but the parting hurts just as much every time. She has been for me the rock to cling to when life has been rough, always supportive, always positive. I hope I have given her as much. She is one of the most caring, talented, intelligent people I know, with a sense of humour that has everyone laughing so hard they cry. I am heading to the Island to see her in August and it will be as physically relaxing and mentally stimulating a visit as always, SL, CalgarySL, Calgary
Your new photograph looks great Mark, Cheers, TL, Calgary
Excellent picture, NB, Calgary
I should have answered this yesterday, but many things (all work-related chores/challenges) were permitted to delay my enjoyment of your Wednesday Musing until this morning. And, a great Muse it was. I "plan' to be "spontaneous" this weekend, and truly enjoying all that life in this wonderful land can and does allow us to enjoy. So many freedoms (if we don't permit well-meaning but intrusive government from over-protecting us)! So many opportunities (if we just look around and act, but often it takes a new-comer to Canada to pick up and act on them)! So much beauty (if we don't allow unbridled industry or over-development to erase it all)! So, to truly enjoy what we have here, I feel that we must be aware of all the should/shouldn't do things in life in this great land, without obsessing about day-to-day progress or lack thereof - and just keep on keeping on! Have a Happy Canada Day, relax, and enjoy all your particular blessings and benefits. Special Mention: Great new picture! Best yet!!, All the best, JN, Newmarket
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 11:34 p.m.