Thank you Mark. I am reading this while on my way to Edmonton to attend funeral. My daughter wrote the eulogy and it is beautiful and touching. It is for her grandmother, my ex mother in law (although I never really divorced her... Just her son), a special lady who had lived a long full life. Eulogies have a way of touching us that other tributes don't. I find myself wondering what people will say about me and it causes me to pause and examine my own life, my own actions and contributions. Of you they will say he shared himself daily ... Thank you, NL, Calgary
PT called me too, very pumped up, in good spirits. Great phone call. Good chance they will both be at our potluck Wed night. As I mentioned to her also, it was so weird – I was thinking of her and TK just yesterday and wondering what they were up to. And then she phoned. We have all had that happen to us probably many times. Will probably never figure out the ESP mechanics behind it. Would it be safe to say that when the thought of someone enters our head, that that someone is probably having similar thoughts? And if neither of us act on that thought, what are we missing out on?, SM, Calgary
It's been a while since we've talked, I think the last time we spoke I was worried about having MS. Well, I don't - thankfully. Still having trouble with my ankle but apparently it's a long, slow process to recover from the kind of injury I had. I'm back golfing this year - if you can call what I do golf, but I sure enjoy it and am lucky enough to be able to golf with friends that aren't bothered by my lack of skill. I went to Prague this spring with my daughter and three of her friends, Europe is my Maui. Currently I'm saving for the next trip, which I hope will be to Turkey and Egypt. Also in the beginning stages of starting a small business that will hopefully provide me with a little more retirement income. Never having been a business person, it's a learning curve for me but I'm excited about it. My love life - is pretty well nonexistent. Yes, I've met some people but don't seem to be any easier to please than you are! How have you found It's Just Lunch? No need to ask what's happening in your life - daily reports keep me updated. Happy summer, GR, Edmonton
Musings need not be a monologue, but to make it a dialogue is dependent upon your responses, which are welcomed - please write me with your feedback/comments.
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 11:32 p.m.