Mark, dear Mark... I WOULD say I am sorry for any disappointment you felt in the relationship that wasn't to be, but... do not be disappointed for it will turn out (I am sure) that everything DOES happen for the best and the best for you, my friend, I suspect is yet to come! Some things should NOT be analyzed up and down, backwards and forwards and I think this is one of them. Your pictures are gorgeous and you are enjoying the sun, wind and sand... well, maybe the sun a little too much... so look forward... always forward!, CFT, Houston, TX, P.S. I'm still really missing Gusta
enjoyed our rendezvous Mark... hope you got your kneads met and then some; chuckle chortle kerfuffle and thanks for the Snoezelen Room ideas... shaloha devaka, JS, Maui Meadows, HI
Thanks for the call.....I can hear the waves! I still love that place the best!, KN, CamroseKneads met. Once again your word play pleases. Kneading has lovely connotations-- of bread baking on a wintry afternoon and of the body's aches melting away under a skillful kneading hand. You're right, you know, It's simple things we really want. Caring touch, fresh picked fruits, peacefulness, quiet. During tonight's sunset vigil, I thought about stillness. I've never had a talent for it. During meditation times at yoga class I need to swat my busy mind a hundred times a minute. But my nightly walks with Maxwell seem to be helping me get there. Once we reach the off-leash section he gambols and greets. I walk, call him occasionally, and find myself smiling. I know for sure I'm smiling 'cuz other people are smiling back at me. I've always found that smile-begets-smile thing so backasswards. I desperately need a smile from a stranger when I'm feeling down. But no one bestows a smile on a glum face. They save their smiles for a smiler. But who ever said life was fair? EA, Vancouver
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 11:41 p.m.