Good evening; It is 10:00 pm May 25, and my being blind and deaf seems trivial to the tone of your voice today. Expectations of one's self seldom measure up to our true abilities. Too much interference from all the distractions that complicate our raging emotions. We look and then we leap but we seldom ever measure the consequences of flight. Blood spills, tears flow, , the heart aches. Betrayed by our own undoing. So now we begin again and we learn through our musings. "T", WT, Calgary
I felt your sadness today. I’m so sorry that things didn’t work out the way you’d hoped. A friend of mine just returned from Paris/Florence. His traveling companion left for home after four days. It started badly when she didn’t even want to visit the Louve, complained about walking anywhere (Paris, for God’s sake!) and smacked him every time he snored. He actually spent one night sleeping in the bathroom. He still enjoyed the rest of his holiday and decided that maybe it was actually better for being alone. So can you and I know you will., SB, Calgary
....we say a lot of goodbyes... a few are just that... meaningless ... others wrench our guts...saying goodbyes is never easy; ...I am thinking about you.. MH, Calgary
Mark - Have a safe and peaceful remainder of your trip. I am proud that you made the effort to spend time with your friend. I am sure you have a lot of different feelings and emotions swirling around today. I will be thinking of you. VBL - Englewood, CO
Mark, so sorry to hear that things are not what you hoped for. I know the feeling all too well, believe me. I wonder sometimes if they really do exist......that something we are longing for......I once got a horoscope that read 'you will never marry again but you will have several great relationships with many wonderful memories to last a lifetime'.......or something like that........I thought 'how depressing' but then it? Sometimes I want to succumb to just being single and doing whatever I want....but then again, there is that part of me that knows I really want 'that one special companion' in my life. Is he out there.......don't know.......or maybe I am just looking in the wrong context? Oh there are plenty of them out there that believe in the constitution of someone else! They just don't believe in the sanctity of it! (as evidenced by the ring on their finger) Perhaps 'the plan' for us is something completely different. Perhaps we are thinking all wrong. I am not sure what we should be thinking then.....if someone out there knows what that should be I would appreciate the enlightenment! Well, at least you have (hopefully) many wonderful memories to bring back. That is my focus now.......if nothing else, perhaps I will get to travel and see some of the things I might never have gotten the chance to see. Hopefully a little fun to go with it!! Lol Take care Mark. I will remain hopeful that we all find what we are looking for, happiness in whatever form, AS, Oklahoma City . . PS: I didn't receive a musing for 5/26....could you send me that one? Thanks
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 11:34 p.m.