Sunday, May 20, 2007
May 20, 2007 – responses
Writing from the Detroit airport, watching the same scenes unfold - but waiting the flight taking me back to Calgary... Though Maui doesn't hold quite the same appeal for me as for you, I wish I were not heading 'home' to a place that has never felt like home to me. Maybe that's why I spend so much of this life in airports, in transit. Our flights leave at the same time, both heading west. I felt good this morning until I read Musings, but now melancholy. I'm happy for you...maybe just wishing I felt the same pre-departure excitement. . . + this note Sunday night . . Now put business on the back burner and seize the day! Where do you do breakfast (just trying to place you within my recent memories)? We usually went to Spices, but there were a couple of Denny's mornings in there as well. Say hello to "my" condo. It's snowing here. REALLY - and this adding to the pile of hail that rained down last night and wouldn't melt. You made a good choice!, Aloha, CB, Calgary