Saturday, May 19, 2007


May 19, 2007 – responses

Hi – hope you have a wonderful two weeks. Isn’t people watching just a blast. Unfortunately I seem to see some very sad interactions at the mall, I wish I saw more happiness. I am off to work where all I have to do is make people happy and keep them healthy, DB, Red Deer
I think I am always several musings behind eveyone else...your comments on the 18th...'sometimes a person sitting on the other side of the room or on the other side of the bed might as well be on the other side of the moon'....reminded me of a relationship of mine that spanned 10 years. I had clipped another comment out of a local paper & used it...amongst other things a deciding factor in ending this relationship....."Many a woman staring at the back of her husband's newspaper, or listening to his breathing in bed is lonelier than any spinster in a rented room" - Germaine Greer . . . Your musings always deal with the human condition...Thank You..., MH, Calgary

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