Tuesday, May 29, 2007
kneads met - Tuesday May 29, 2007
[published from Maui Kamaole, Kihei, Maui, Hawaii]
75F, mostly sunny, up t0 83F today, chance of showers; great walk and a phone chat with BB (his favorite beach too) . . nice to catch up; yesterday’s myriad (Memorial Day here) gone, a smattering of familiar faces and some pale-faced newcomers too this morning
needs, kneads . . massage of the body, massage of the mind – who can get too much of that?
I am enjoying trying some breathing techniques I learned yesterday – looking forward to seeing how they help me in a number of pursuits where focus, concentration and clear headed-ness are required; some of the chakra-talk is a little over the top and, in my view, for discarding but that breathing and movement, that's for keeping I think
few things I know are as simple/easy as relaxing here; things like sand and sea, milk and bread, plants and soil . . these are full of science, details, process and complexity, but firstly they are simple – do you see where I am going?
sleep is simple, sometimes complicated by dreams that reflect great fantasies or scary fears, but otherwise simple; sleep is simple here . . . when it comes, it comes – when it is over, it is over; I have an alarm as I do at home – here it is driven by birds, at home it is driven by a dog who needs a walk
time is simple here . . . this place where ‘Maui Time’ has special meaning is a place where 24 hours go by just as quickly as in Calgary, but it seems so much slower here, much simpler too
yesterday exploring, I went to the north shore (that’s the north shore portion of east Maui, which is the south portion of the island) to Baldwin Park Beach - walked course sand there, got wetter than expected as sturdy waves pounded when I least expected; the water seems to have a different rhythm there – met GR (mahalo for your time spent with me) for some great conversation about life on Maui and ‘local conditions’ (photo attached this morning taken from that beach . .looking westward toward Kahului as a plane was taking off, oblivious to a little storm brewing over there)
when I leave Calgary (or any other place I’ve called home) on a trip I don’t get anxious because I know I’ll be coming ‘home’ in a finite period of time; each time I visit Maui there has been a pivotal day, when the count of ‘how many days left’ becomes significant – that day is today; I don’t wish to leave or to do the counting but there is less angst than past visits
I am only leaving for a while, only leaving till I am back again, going away but not really leaving – 4 days including today, then back to Calgary for a while . .
each time I am here I learn some things for the first time – some things I learn to discard, some to embrace, some to explore more deeply, some to appreciate from a different vantagle point
some things are new learning, others, like massage . . knead repeating
easy to get kneads met here, as simple as sleeping well, as simple as breathing well
Mark Kolke