Friday, May 25, 2007
58 minutes to go - Friday May 25, 2007
[written and published from a condominium at the Maui Kamaole, Kihei, Maui, Hawaii . . ]
joggers jog, walkers walk – nods, smiles, hellos - dogs chase balls into the surf, I am sure Gusta would love it too; same old gorgeous weather, mostly sunny, 86F predicted; my beach walk this morning was focused most on the uniqueness beneath my feet, more than on the surrounding scenes - sand-artworks of each wave, an imprint left behind, a drizzly trail as unique from the next one as any other, something that lasts a few seconds until the next wave wipes the slate clean . . then a fresh trail of grains leaves the next one just a tad different
yesterday was our ‘drive the road to Hana’ day . . 42 miles, 54 bridges, and 600 hairpin turns – TIMES 2 for the round trip, awesome scenes . . filled late morning and all our afternoon (photo attached today taken from a beach just south of Hana)
I’ve heard/read this quote in many variations; it speaks to me of something I know I do a lot – I run away with an idea, trying a solution on for size without spending enough time really trying hard to define the problem: "If I were given one hour to save the planet, I would spend 59 minutes defining the problem and one minute resolving it." – Albert Einstein
based on notions of how things might be, how things might have been, how things might be again; things don’t always work out the way we expect but, I believe, they always work out for the best in the end
I’ve been looking for something; I’ve not found it - I’ve found some things that are not it, so I must continue searching; maybe it is not here or not there . . or not somewhere else - it does exist, I just know it
uniqueness, an imprint left behind, a drizzly trail of grains; sand in an hourglass, sand on the beach, sand stuck to feet, sand stuck here and there – beach experiences leave sand everywhere, grains in every crevice . . sometimes they are abrasive, sometimes they leave an unmistakable unique trail no one could follow, no one could duplicate – no one should try . . . not now, not for now, not in this place, not at this time
Mark Kolke