Thursday, April 12, 2007
Thursday Apr. 12, 2007 - good for you
[written and published from south Calgary, near Fish Creek Park]
-5C/23F, clear sunny day ahead; Gusta’s goose education made progress this morning as the closer she got, the more they honked – the more they honked, the more she wanted to get closer and this was when Gusta learned that thin ice by the shore does not support a 65 lb. dog, a chilly swim followed . .
I once was athletic (youth), had a ravenous appetite (youth) and was invincible (youth); I’ve not lost these . . athletic (pushing myself away from the table), have a ravenous appetite (so many women, so little time), and am invincible (I’ve learned that the more I shine the brighter I am), but confidence alone will not give me security in the one thing I cannot buy or cover with a line of credit, my health
“The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd druther not. “ - Mark Twain
“If I'd known I was going to live so long, I'd have taken better care of myself.” - Leon Eldred
I get the same queasy feeling visiting the dentist; I’ve read enough to know this ‘fear of going’ and ‘fear of hearing the news’ is not uncommon among men my age; I expect the stats about the ‘postponed check-up’ are connected very much to these fears
memories of trying to avoid foul tasting medicines, cod liver oil etc. as a child always came with the 'because it is good for you' reminder; there are few things in life that humble us, reduce us to the basic elements of our being more than a trip to the doctor; I don't think the behaviour of middle-aged men in this regard is all that unique ; it's just a trip to the doctor ... and it's good for us
what I like least about visiting my doctor is:
a non-judgmental factual dispassionate approach to information, a willingness to discuss in clinical detail all the things on my mind with frank warnings about things I need to get on top of (more exercise, lose weight, reduce cholesterol), things I need to accept treatment of (high blood pressure) without angst because I simply inherited that hypertension from my mother and grandmother, and the ‘curl up naked in a fetal position for the annual digital prostate exam’ together with all the lab work testing for all things relating thereto because my history (my dad) suggests I am a higher than average risk notwithstanding my own theories of high activity levels being a good preventative measure
what I like most about visiting my doctor is :
the same
when was the last time you had a physical? . . .if it was less than 9 months ago, call today to book an appointment because it will likely take 3 months to get in to see your doctor
if nothing else (for those who postpone the appointment, for those who postpone the making of the appointment, for those who don’t go at all, for those who fear it so much you wall it off in your mind) . . . take the message that pushing yourself away from the table, living more fully, loving more fully, playing more fully . . . spreading your wings in the sunshine to be the best you can be is a pretty healthy start compared to doing nothing at all
because it is good for you, that’s why
the life you save may be yours
I plan to publish a book and you can't buy a copy if you are dead . . so I want you to stay alive, OK!
make the call, book the appointment, keep the appointment
because it is good for you, that's why
Mark Kolke