Saturday, April 14, 2007
Saturday Apr. 14, 2007 - get ready
7C/44F, light breeze under a Chinook arch, birds breaking the quiet though the neighbourhood and park . . spring is absolutely here, as Gusta met a frisky handsome lad (German shepherd/golden retriever cross) - I advised her that sometimes the best candidates show up when we are not looking but that for now we should keep walking because he is READY and she is not
I am protective of my girl, as I am of my daughters . . but it is not for me to determine what they are READY for or not; that’s their job . . speaking of which, daughter Krista and b-friend are in town; I’ll be seeing them later but for now I must scramble out the door to our Toastmasters Division C contests to cheer on my friends . .
not wishing to fuel a debate around reactions in recent days to an innocuous (and I thought funny) comment . . I must add one comment
if we live life without wild expectations, without a thrill on our mind, without motivation to explore the ultimate in fulfillment of those expectations – they could be personal, professional, social, family issues – then what will we find, what will we achieve?
if I am just waiting for life, joy, love, fulfillment to come around the corner and knock me on the head . . I might wait a long time; but, if I am doing that so fervently that I am not paying attention I might miss it when it comes along
I strongly believe, that however we find what we seek – that we will never find anything worthwhile, fulfilling and life altering unless we are READY for it, READY to notice it, READY to seize the moment when it arrives, READY to throw some caution to the wind, READY to be open, giving, real and caring, READY to embrace it . .
the next call, the next e-mail, the next chance meeting, the next introduction . . might be the key, the first step, the inspiration, the answer . . to my questions, to my needs, to my desires, to my aspiration
I think I’m READY
are you READY ?
ready or not, we are bombarded by life every moment . . . we choose what we bite into, that which we let pass by, but first we need to be ready . . . so get ready
Mark Kolke