Monday, April 23, 2007


Monday Apr. 23, 2007 – be unprepared

[written and published from south Calgary, near Fish Creek Park]

3C/37F, fog burning off to reveal a nice day; Gust off-leash around the lagoon tried to swim out to meet those geese but found the water too cold and my yelling to compelling so she retreated; her little bit of fun is the least I can do since she is off to the vet this afternoon for a check-up and shots

being prepared to be unprepared is a combo of relaxation, being yourself; like a good Boy Scout, be prepared to be unprepared

how do we prepare for the unexpected, the out-of-the-blue things that happen; we think on our feet, scramble for words . . everybody does that; but down deep, in that place where we share our thoughts with no one, down there what transpires?

anxiety; yup . . that’s the problem alright; for you, for me, for everyone when we face an unknown challenge, an unknown opportunity . . so being prepared helps, but most often when we are dealing with anxiety, uncertainty, fear, doubt we have a choice to make – freak out or be prepared to be unprepared

everything else we use, know, do every day is new . . so why do we use old tools to work on today’s anxiety when we’ve grown so much since then; we use yesterday’s tools to deal with today’s issues . . why is that?

be unprepared

be prepared to be unprepared

it’s only scary if you let it be

how about this – be prepared to have fun, have a thrill, have a blast, have a great day, have a great time, do something spectacular . . all those things relieve anxiety

but . . yes, you are right, all those things bring other problems with them like joy, smiles, unbridled happiness, endorphins, low blood pressure, health, emotions, incredible stimulation, sensory overload . . so we should be careful to not cram 15 yrs. into 2 weeks . . . but why not?

and then that creates anxiety . . or not

not if you are prepared to be unprepared; OK, pack a bag . . otherwise, just be unprepared

how much life can you put in a day, a week, 2 weeks? .. how much living can you stuff into every day if you had to . . or maybe you didn't have to, but you wanted to? . . push, shove, tug, squeeze and put in everything you possibly can - not into your bag - but into your life; do it every day, do it for me . . or . . do it for you . . just do it

Mark Kolke
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