Friday, April 27, 2007
Friday Apr. 27, 2007 - begin it now
[written and published from south Calgary, near Fish Creek Park]
4C/38F, a brief walk, a dog-less walk (Gusta is at her country club); it seems strange walking without my companion . .
the drama of the last few days frenetic work culminate in a trip to a conference today or a weekend in Regina . . I am reminded of what we can all achieve, if we believe we can, what we can all look for around the corner if we just stick out neck out, our foot forward, our mouth open . . our head out the window . . so to speak:
"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it,
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it,
Begin it now." - Goethe
I was calm when I set the alarm for 3:30 . . ridiculous I know, but when it gets late the part of the brain that says ‘I’ll get 4 hours sleep and then get up with energy to do these things in an orderly fashion’ it totally out-to-lunch
no surprise my body overtook my brain, cancelled the alarm so I did not stir till 6 AM
I’m unprepared; I filled the tank, washed the car – I had everything else ready in my head; I worked late, I was going to pack and work and do many other things in an orderly fashion when I got up early . . very early
there is a big difference between 3:30 and 6
my adrenalin . .or something, or maybe it’s the orange juice has got me energized (I am very well rested by the way) to whip it all together in a hurry . .
.. and so I have; departing now to collect the others for our trip to Regina . . happy Friday and pack fast!
Mark Kolke
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