Friday, April 20, 2007
Friday Apr. 20, 2007 - heart exercises
-1C/30F, overcast, more snow overnight and a predicted high of +3 and more snow is not very encouraging; the snow wet, just right for snowballs but wind and the morning hustle has everyone driving through slop to work instead of playing outside
thanks to those who chimed in with supportive wishes - yesterday was a frenzy of calls and confirmations . . the trip is booked and excitement is in the air; SC is happy too as and she should be, celebrating a milestone birthday today
my prep time this morning was augmented by a mixture of car-warming-up sound pierced by rhythmic windshield scraping . . there must have been five people within fifty feet of my window all scraping at the same time; it may not 'read' as exciting but watching it here was quite amusing . . all that was missing was a conductor on a stool to coordinate them playing
outside; but as I watch those faces grimacing over a little snow and ice that might make their drive to work a few minutes longer I was sitting here, looking out at them thinking - why do we live, love, work, play, die ?
I don’t ask this as a spiritual question – though many do – but when we get so involved in our daily lives that we miss the ‘perfect snowball opportunity’ or the chance to give/get a laugh or a smile – we have to spend some time thinking about why we do what we do, or why we don’t do what we don’t do
every morning I look at my list of desires (18) and unique talents (14) . . [the coaching of Deepak Chopra recommends it highly and so do I]; my lists have remained static in recent years, the last change being Jan./05 when I added 3 to my desire list: 'to be receptive to advice', 'to be receptive to critique', 'to live in Hawaii'
otherwise no changes in my sense of what drives me, but I’ve been pondering one of them . . ‘to have someone to love’ wondering if my interpretation of that has changed at all over time; the people in my life who I love are many – the scope, degree and perspective varies with each person I love because I love them in different ways; in recent days I’ve been re-visiting this; in my mind the need to be with someone often, to see them often is not a critical ingredient – why can’t we love someone we’ve only met twice or someone who we haven’t seen or talked to in many months, why can’t we have a strong two-way tug with someone thousands of miles away?
why not?
love is not lifestyle, love is not whimsy; love is experienced 1 person at a time but so much sweeter when it is 2 persons at a time, with each other of course
when we are younger so many things cloud our choice-meter, so many things influence our decisions and our indecision, so many things affect us as we affect others; when we are younger our ability to communicate is encumbered by so many things
as I get older I get better at some things; some through practice and some through having fewer distractions to hinder my view of what is truly important
YES it is important to be loved but far more important is to have someone to love and care for; it is nice if they love you back, care as much, feel as much . . that’s the old reciprocity question or maybe it’s the reciprocity answer
playing outside . . outdoors, outside the box, outside the lines
I am today, like every other, pursuing opportunities when I see them and trying to create them where I don’t – I do it in pursuit of my desires, I do it using my talents, I do it because it is my life, my way of life, my pursuit of life and what I love to do
I don’t know much about medical issues of physiology but I know that ‘lack of use’ of a limb or a skill can cause muscles to atrophy . . to wither from lack of regular use
we all know of thighs, biceps and the heart as muscles; the more exercise they get the healthier we are; I believe our emotions, desires - our passions, our thrills, our zeal, our relationships, our feelings for others and our feelings for ourselves need this kind of
regular exercise too - perhaps they need it even more; we don't have to look very far to see faces of people going by looking tired and glum first thing in the morning, while we see others grinning ear to ear at the end of the day with a spring in their step leaving many people wishing 'Id like some of what he/she's got going on'
I’ve left some muscles idle for a while . . . it is time to get them back in shape
Mark Kolke