Friday, April 13, 2007
Friday Apr. 13, 2007 - whenever you get the chance
[written and published from south Calgary, near Fish Creek Park]
-1C/30F, bright sunshine, calm . . a ‘hot one’ ahead; Gusta enjoyed the change of scenery as we went over the ridge and deeper into the park than we have been for a while, no remnants of snow is sight
as for my comments yesterday (including the bizarre response from SB), I am just wondering if anyone picked up the phone to book an appointment, stopped to re-consider a health or lifestyle choice; that was my only wish . . if only one person did, then it was worth it . .
few people are as gentle as AI, from Idaho . . few are as kind, as generous of spirit, as full of life and laughter; she lives a life of books, bears and spirituality that could give us all pause to reflect on what matters most . . and she has certainly been a valuable friend to me; she’s having a birthday on this auspicious Friday . . happy day Ann
last night I had a revelation
it was not something anyone did, or that they failed to do
it was not something I did, or that I failed to do
it was what I had not been seeing
why do we not see the obvious when seeing the obvious seems so clearly visible to everyone else?
this morning I am smiling at a couple of things that were pointed out to me last night after I gave a speech . . . clearly obvious to someone listening to me for 8 minutes, a couple of those points have been there . . but I have been obvious to all along, for many years; they must have been because a total stranger picked up on them right away while I had not seen them that way at all - until now
OK, not 'totally oblivious' but these were issues I thought had long ago been dealt with sufficiently - but I was wrong; my point is that I believe we all have these elements - needing someone to hold up a mirror that does not show us as we see ourselves, but as others
see us; when that happens we need to look hard, listen deep
learning happens when it happens; there is no planning it, no preparing for it, no scheduling it – but I think chances are pretty good that the best learning will come from sources we don’t expect, it will come when we least expect it and it will be more powerful than we think possible
asking for and getting dispassionate critique is difficult, getting it is harder still . . but when it shows up, STOP, pay attention, listen, learn
reflect, then learn some more
repeat whenever you get the chance
Mark Kolke