‘I am reminded of what we can all achieve, if we believe we can’, A very apt thought. I was thinking very much along the same lines when I chose Division B's theme. I hope you enjoy your time in Regina, at the centre of Division B, for this real three-ring circus of a weekend. Regards, DB, Regina, SK
Good morning Mark, Enjoy your trip to Regina with my sister AW. I know she is looking forward to it as well. Road Trips can be so much fun, but stay awake and drive carefully, SdV, Edmonton
A couple more quotes that seem to fit… “A year from now, you’ll be glad you started today” “If it’s to be, it’s up to ME!” Have a great trip (although Regina can’t be ALL that exciting…), NR, Calgary
Reactions to this weeks' Musings - Remember you can be an introvert who is trying to learn to be more "open" as a communicator. Also - those things which cause us to be angry are usually those things which have touched somewhere close to home, PB, Calgary
Imagine me with you.....listening intently...watching you speak...but blocking out your voice with fanciful thoughts....Asking myself what journey lays ahead for Us....What is in the realm of Our possibilities? There is a certain Charm & Validity to your musings...You talk of Ordinary & Mundane things in an Extraordinary & Marvelous way...Truly a gift you share with all...You are dynamic...forward thinking....& self confident... .....Just my musings about You, MH, Calgary
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 5:39 p.m.