Thursday, April 26, 2007


April 26, 2007 – responses

Hi Mark, hope all is well, can send the musing to my personal account only, not my corporate email. Thanks
Hi Mark, seems spring is in the air -- a time of choices. The time to recognize the limitless possibilites of life's renewal with the turning of the season's, or a time to focus on the dirt and grit that litters city streets with winter's passing. We must be in sync. You inspired me a month ago to start a daily blog, my entry today was about choices and the truth we tell ourselves (or not) about the past. Feel free to stop by and say hello -- the blog is always open., LG, Calgary
Dear Mark, I want to let you know that I thoroughly enjoy your emails. I don'tknow how I got on the list, but Im glad Im on it. Thanks very much!Regards, SM, California
Mark, I am enjoying Musings, Warm days are almost here. Cheers, BU, Calgary
Re: April 24 musing-Mark what did the Bay Street economists say...I would be interested in their view...and your view of what 2007/2008 will be like for Calgary?. It seems that we may be entering a period of uncertainty related to our new found interest in climate change. It seems to be the flavour of the day for the press and politicians. Did any of your reader hear Al Gore...and what did he say that relates to Calgary? Through your group maybe we can get a better understanding of what is really happening around us. The challenge for everyone seems to be separating the hyped messages from the reality. Some of the solutions of the day....without the proper investigation may be worse than excessive CO2. ie. mercury being leached out in our landfills and massive areas of North America's farmland soil being destroyed by growing corn to make ethanol. We know that CO2 can be absorbed by forests but radio active wastes from uranium cannot. It seems that vested interests as usual are trying to shape public opinion and investments. We the public pay with our taxes and health. Then again, maybe it is safer to consider our shower curtains. ...I like mine in too PS I think you would be a great reporter/media person....also was visiting mid and upper state New York last month and the service in the stores there was friendly and great. Not unspoiled by the economic boom, RDM Calgary
Keep in mind when you talk about "accepting the unfiltered truth", that that truth is someone else's perception of the truth and if it doesn't fit your idea of the truth or your idea of your self then you should not accept it. We should never accept others' 'truths' or ideas without examining them and running them through our value and belief systems first. At the same time, I think we should be open to reviewing our beliefs when it becomes apparent that someone whose values and beliefs we generally respect has a serious issue with something we have said/done and is willing to tell us about it. If it's a frivolous opinion expressed without thought then it likely should be disregarded, SH, Calgary

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