Mark: Probably the reason they place the shower curtain outside the shower is that it looks more balanced...more aesthetically pleasing to the eye when you enter the room!!! Maybe too much analysis. Happy for you...another Maui getaway...but with company. Doesn't get any better than that. Off to La Connor to show them how it's done!!!! Take care my Dear. JH, Kelowna
I have read I choose a lot, very intrigued with the concept, as to why I have chosen to respond to this. Found this article of yours very amusing. But as always yes you are right we all make choices in life, our lives, their lives, whose ever. I have made a choice to publish my poems, have worked hard in writing and submitting each one, and finally I have been given the opportunity to publish, now I choose to go ahead with it. Hey have a wonderful day, and keep writing, I enjoy reading, TS, Calgary
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 11:11 p.m.