I’m not sure how I ended up on this mailing list, but I’ve been enjoying them. Today’s musing especially hit the spot. Please change my e-mail address on your list from this to XXX Thank you. HSJ, Philadelphia
Hello Mark, Please add me to your daily list .. I enjoy it very much.., Thanks, CR,?
Aloha! Yes just say yes! A friend called Friday said "can you play golf with me at Makena CC Sunday?" Normally, since I have not played in 5 years I automatically would say "no". "Yes" came out of my mouth...yes came out all day as we played and had an incredible day! Just say yes to the unexpected...that which we are unprepared for...You got it Mark...once again! Thought of you Mark as I feel golf and you are One :), Peace, GR, Haiku, HI
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 10:06 p.m.