Hi Mark, Re Musings of the 21st, the film Out of Africa was one of the callings to take me to Africa....it's a real story, the cottage is real. Awesome to see how RR and Merryl told it, and the cottage as a musem piece near Nairobi. On other stuff, I'm also taking stock of my situation...is it time for a coffee to compare notes? ( my Wed nites are still booked). HB, Calgary
So glad to hear about expectations, alot of people don't really know what this means, however one must always put expectations on oneself as it is alot easier that way. There are many reasons and whys we do this, again we are all in need of an expectation that happens to all of us. It is not of other peoples expectations that disappoint me, more than it would be my own. Anyhow read it, felt I should share my point of view on it, like myself I challenge my workout and my running, the expecation is set very high but that's okay as it is my own expectation that is set on myself, I would not expect this from another person, as my goals are set in the same manner to work hard and be committed to what I want and need to achieve. Thank you, reading about expectations not only gave me another look at it, but allowed a response, TS, Calgary
long way,,,,,,,,,,,,approximately 16000kms from morningside! ...u see i had to turn back for a little while, .......but the scenery is great,....... as good if not better than maui........perfect weather too, 24c today.....clear sky, no wind, gentle waves .......but,.... i miss the snow, and the slush, and the sky, and the feeling of belonging and the great people i met, and, and, and, .........but, at least i still have your musings!....thanks mark! ................, CG, Cape Town, South Africa (Morningside)
You are a wonderful writer...I so enjoy reading your daily musings. Ever consider getting published???????? xo PDL, Lahaina, HI
First, let me say thanks for forwarding your column. I spend much of my time musing, but seldom in print. This has been a week for me, a week of changes. It seems that the newspaper that I have worked for the past 28 years, has decided that my department is no longer required. And tho I have been seriously considering retirement from the printing industry, I never considered that the decision would not be mine. And so the musings and what these changes will mean to me. Does my 'job' define who I am, or am I me because of my job? I am filled with many emotions, ranging from elation to fear. My job is very physical, and so will I learn to exercise without a paycheck? And will I be able to handle working more with my ex-husband, who continues to be my business partner? And in my personal life, I have just begun to try this thing---this on-line dating. I am finding it very bizarre, much like buying a pair of shoes without trying them on, or in many cases without even seeing them. It seems that change is on my horizon, both good and bad. I am a quiet person, not one to stir things up. I tend to let life happen, and then sit back and watch. And so.... I spent Earth Day digging in my now defunct strawberry patch. I have gotten as many berries as possible, and this is the year to re-plant. There are weeds everywhere, and lots to do. I try not to be overwhelmed. I am often put off by the needy-ness of others, and would much rather be on my own than settle for someone who did not intrigue me. I want someone who is easy to talk to. For me this is the most important quality, as I tend to be more of a listener. But when I am with right person I come alive. Maybe there is someone out there that will be a fit for me. Continue your musings, as I will mine. I am glad to have Spring here, to get outside and breathe in the mountain air, J, Nelson, BC
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 6:18 p.m.