Tuesday, April 17, 2007
April 17, 2007 – responses
Mark: Is there an underlying message here with regard to "us" Are we gone for now..only to reappear some time . . . in the future when we least expect it most... Perhaps .. or maybe I am being indulgent to think that I would be part of your "musings" Warm thoughts to you my Dear, JH, Kelowna
Nothing Ventured ~ Nothing Gained, MM, Medicine Hat
A poem from Raymond Carver Enjoy! . . CH, Chimicum
WAITINGLeft off the highway anddown the hill. At thebottom, hang another left.Keep bearing left. The roadwill make a Y. Left again.There's a creek on the left.Keep going. Just beforethe road ends, there'll beanother road. Take itand no other. Otherwise,your life will be ruinedforever. There's a log housewith a shake roof, on the left.It's not that house. It'sthe next house, just overa rise. The housewhere trees are laden withfruit. Where phlox, forsythia,and marigold grow. It'sthe house where the womanstands in the doorwaywearing sun in her hair. The onewho's been waitingall this time.The woman who loves you.The one who can say,"What's kept you?"
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