Re: "asking for and getting dispassionate critique is difficult, getting it is harder still . . but when it shows up, STOP, pay attention, listen, learn" . . . So true, I'm a Libra and don't take criticism very well at all. My first response is to get my back up and claws come out. But then I mull on what has been said to me, think it over. Try to learn from it. See where it applies in my life and try to do better next time. Lifestyle choice... What's with SB's comment?? A woman scorned perhaps?? And as to what you said to me the other day, no I'm not chicken. But perhaps I wasn't being the real me either. And the real me is worth getting to know. It all started on Oct 12th, 1959 in Blytheville, Arkansas..., MM, Medicine Hat
Your Musing today made this response "mandatory" for me. I did think seriously about your April 12 (good for you) edition. It was a plea to my conscience to get on with doing something that I was avoiding studiously. So, when I opened today's Musing and saw the "if only one person did" comment, I had to let you know that I have booked "one of those" appointments. I hope that your results are all 100% good, and that you can happily and healthily go on Musing for many years to come. I know that I certainly intend to be reading them, with as much enjoyment as I do now. Please keep up the good work, for all of us "out there, in cyberspace", JN, Newmarket, Ontario
Just had my physical last week. Perfect results for now. VBL, Englewood, CO
Guess I have missed something in my busy go back and read the Musings I missed! Enjoy the auspicious :) day, GR, Haiku, HI
Was it really that bizarre? I look forward to seeing if anyone has comments as well. I don’t really think you’re a slut, you know. Let’s eat shrimp soon. I’m going to Kelowna myself from the 18th – 24th. I haven’t been in ages and I’d like to see my friends there. I’ve been meaning to for quite a while now and I guess your trip got me thinking about it. How about when I get back?, SB, Calgary
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 11:57 p.m.