Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Wednesday Mar. 21, 2007 – stay up later

[written and published from Calgary]

-6C/22F, warming later today through to the weekend; I walked, Gusta romped, around the lagoon enjoying a big dump of fluffy snow that began about an hour ago, already 4 inches blanket everything in sight . . all one colour - but green or sand might be more welcome to me this morning; Gusta enjoying her 'spring thing' . . she is in heat; no males in sight this morning (good thing!)

CM & SM are both a year older today though you wouldn't know it . . congrats and may you have as much fun as is legally permitted where you live; to that same SM and to AW, CC and EC . .thanks for helping me out to run contests at the Spoken Word Toastmasters Club last night - it was a lot of fun and I really appreciate your help

“It’s spring fever . . . You don’t quite know what it is you DO want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!” - Mark Twain

this first day of spring, first day of 5th yr of musing, first day this week I've felt rested - tonight I'll stay up later; I feel full of something . . because spring's arrival is magical . . or maybe because I have a belief that it can be; perhaps illusion but just for today I will stay up later thinking otherwise

to those calls I did not make/return last night, I’ll try tonight . . .I’ll stay up later

for those of you, most of you, who were not around at the beginning . . here is the first of my ‘musings’ from March 21, 2003:

it was a great day for my walk this morning . .

the river is flowing . . the geese are crapping in the water and short old oriental people are out walking along with cyclists going too fast and runners dot the landscape

but you know, there are no oil wells on fire, no one is wearing camoflauge, the rumble of traffic was commuters on their way to work in their suv's . . not the roar of 70 ton tanks !!

life is good this morning

we are safe & well

the challenges of this day are few compared to the situation of many . . .

happy spring . . .happy friday ..

. . and, here are the responses I got that day:

Amen!; KK

You forgot to add that there weren't any war protesters blocking traffic and setting themselves on fire! Hope you're well.; KF

My Friend ,I appreciate your reflection on the day---we are truly a blessed group; JJ

Thanks for your thought darling! You're so right. The other day on the phone I was talking to a friend who was complaining about what? (something) - and she was waiting for me to reciprocate the experience, I said "I can't forget how fortunate I am - my child is safe, I'm safe, I'm not packing my most precious belongings into a cart to leave my home in search of a haven, I bathe in more drinkable water every morning than many women have for their entire families......We are SO LUCKY!"; MP

And Happy Spring to you. Thank you for the reminder. It is not blue sky and sunshine here but the mercury is higher and one can sense that spring is possible. And on the other side as you point out we have many blessings that too often we take for granted. Hope all is well, SC

Nice......feelings!!! nice thoughts !!!!! nice morning to us !!!!! !! thanks to Lord !! one reflection.....! The violence done in our name in time before memory; the unremembered wounds we have inflicted; the injuries we cannot forget and for which we have not been forgiven ! The remembrance of them is grievous to us; the burden of intolerable!!!! Mark.....Many, many happy ...spring days !!!!!; MdP

KK in Calgary is still a muser, KF in San Francisco is not, JJ in Calgary is, so is MP in Calgary, SC in Fort Smith is still a muser too, MdP of Los Mochis and Tucson is not . . hearing from them less often these days - but treasures every time when they do; CK (daughter Carla) did not respond that day . . she was sleeping it; she rarely responds in writing, we talk instead . . . her call last night was great, her recollection of how musings got started is fuzzy, so much fun when a 29 year old asks her dad to tell the story again . . . reminds me of two little girls who used to ask that same question - not so much because I was a great story teller, but because they knew I would and they would get to stay up later

happy 1st day of spring . . may excitement rain in Maui, in Calgary, in Kelowna, in Saskabush . . in the north, in the south, in PV, in Tucson too, in Irvine and Laguna; on beaches of San Diego, PV and Maui, on big beaches and my favourite 'little beach' too; wherever there is sun, sand, serenity and warm breezes . . think spring and think of your fellow musers in Calgary waiting for a warm afternoon

I think Twain captured it . . . for me at least, because there are far more reasons to be twitter-pated than there are not to

spring's the thing, stay up later and tell me your story

. . . many, many happy ... spring days !!!!!

Mark Kolke

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