Thanks for the musings, they are interesting and well written. However, my time is challenged as of late and I simply don’t have time for some of the pleasures in life. Therefore please remove me from your list for these mailings, JB, Calgary
With reference to yesterdays musing, and, today's response from JH. I’m working on noticing my emotional response to the various people with whom I am interacting via the internet dating process. No matter how much or little contact I have, I react in some small way. And now, rather than discounting this response, I am letting myself open to it as a kind of truth for me. Doesn’t matter if it’s true to anyone else; my truth is what matters - since I am the one who will choose to spend time with someone, or not. Standing in my power, as opposed to responding to another’s. Too often, I think, women do not do this, and instead allow themselves to compromise their truth in order to remain ‘relational’ with others - since relationship tends to be of primacy to women; not self. That would be ‘selfish’. When we stand in our power and truth to self, there is no transfer of risk, because there is no risk. Our fear stems from not staying grounded in our truth. Probably why men do not experience this kind of fear; they have more power in the patriarchy and are not as at risk for losing self, because it is natural for them to be ‘selfish’. How do I react to these musings? This ‘putting oneself out there’ for all to see, or ‘public journaling’, seems odd to me. A bit narcissistic or maybe just egotistical. Certainly they trigger reactions in people - and everyone will react according to their own truth. It is easy to be seduced by words, especially when one has not had the pleasure of connecting with someone who is able to express themselves as eloquently as Mark. My gut says staying grounded and treading carefully is key. I suspect JH has become ungrounded from her own truth. 'When in doubt, dont' can be an effective aphorism for matters of the heart and soul...when you are in your truth, there is no doubt. Be kind to yourself JH...SB, Vancouver
Mark: Is it really all about risk/reward....what if the risk is so great that one is unable to indulge in the rewards of taking such a risk. Conversely where there is no risk...there is no reward to be enjoyed/savored/delight in a feeling of accomplishment a "yes, good for me" . So...Russian Roulette for the love/lust crowd. Sometimes life is just one unending game of Russian Roulette & some of us inevitably will be losers!!! , JH, Kelowna
This was a very interesting is your new 'lady'?, PDLC, Lahaina, HI
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 11:18 p.m.