I don't know how your Musings ended up in my Inbox. In fact, when they first arrived I would look at them briefly, delete them and continue on with my day because -- well, I'm just a busy gal you know! And then, one day I stopped and read. What a wonderful surprise. Now, I like to begin my work day with reading your musings. You pop into my Inbox at work and I feel like an old friend has just dropped in for a coffee! Thanks for the wonderful morning lift. And as to that little fellow whispering "Gag Me!" -- tell him to take a hike. He hasn't got a clue what he's talking about. Cheers, LG, Calgary
One phrase in your "Musings" today caught my eye in particular, and I think it is important. You state: "I pine for a connection that yields the ingredients I seek, one that doesn't mess with my lifestyle;" I believe it is possible to obtain the first but often difficult to find those that speak to our personal connection needs - I know that from experience. The second part of the statement almost seems to contradict the opportunity for the first. I don't think it is possible to have a meaningful connection without some change - and potentially change in lifestyle. When we meet that special someone with whom we hopefully forge a long-term relationship it has to be based on compromises - not giving up everything, but finding the way to accommodate each other if we are to survive. When we acquire a Gusta it may mean a change in lifestyle; certainly when we have children that means a significant change in lifestyle if we are to be successful at all in bringing them to adulthood in a way that we can be proud of; when we must deal with aging parents that also means a likely change in lifestyle. I believe that if we are so set in our ways that we are not prepared to make compromises with our "lifestyles" then we probably have an accountability to the rest of society to find a way to become "solitary"; and only in that we can we successfully avoid the change necessitated by connections simply because we are prepared to walk away from connections, DW, Calgary
Just so you know...just finished musings lying prone on Makena Beach (Don't know if this is Little Beach we spoke of. Lots of older people out here - not just hot bods (in fact, not many hot bods). I'm feeling very uncivilized - even have left my hair curly. Feels great. Thanks for the recommendations. Day 3 of 5 perfect days in Maui. Talk soon. I've thought of you often this week, knowing such a significant part of you is cathected (energy connection...seems to fit. At least that's what comes to mind without benefit of a thesaurus) to this place. Aloha, CB, Calgary via Wailea, HI
I am overwhelmed with sadness today. to say life is unfair is a monumental understatement. How can I tell myself that this will pass...that it will be okay...did i make the right decision... or should I be safely wrapped in your arms...to hell with what might happen. Risky business.... or a missed opportunity? I will never know...How can I miss someone I have never even locked eyes with.. My heart is so sad, JH, Kelowna
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 11:23 p.m.