Hi Mark, Musings touched me today. For too many years I lived the life of wanting those I loved to be what I wanted... what I needed them to be. Their alcohol, gambling, unmet potentials… when I look back, I think I struggled so much harder than they did with “their” problems. And finally I realized one day they were WHO they were; I could not change them. I could only change the way I looked at the issues. I actually released my “attachment” to their choices, and it’s amazing how that has changed MY life. What I have learned is that their behaviors and choices were not about me or their “lack of love for me. “ It was about what they had learned along their journey and the choices that they made. It was about them! Have I completely stopped having expectations? No, smile. (I wish!) But I’m more aware now that I can choose to hold those expectations or I can let them go, knowing that each of us is who we are, based on the way we filtered experiences in our past and the choices we made as a result of that filtering. Thanks for sharing your thoughts today. They made me think …LL, ?
My mother died in October - my grief still raw. Long ago I healed thedisappointed, angry child that lived within this adult body...and ourrelationship was easier...Putting myself in her shoes made forgiveness moregenuine. I'd give anything to be able to pick up the phone and hear her voiceagain...to have her touch me with her arthritic, twisted, weak hands...to feelthe soft down of her white hair. Anything...., BL, Sylvan Lake
Hi Mark, just a few words for you today, words you've probably sent out to your legion of readers sometime in the past, but words that might help at the moment. - Forgiveness - To relinquish the illusion that one can create a different past, JR, Olds
Mark, eight years or not, the pain is still there. I’m very sorry, SB, Calgary
My mother also passed away this month, 7 years ago. I feel her loss a bit less every year, but she remains with me in my heart. Her words of wisdom help me whenever I need to make decisions, or bake a pie. Our mothers were such important parts in our lives. We'll never forget them. My little mother,(she was only 5 foot 1inch tall) was kind, gentle, very patient with her impatient daughter, and above all, she was a loving mother. We had her funeral in a tiny little country church, and I'm sure she would have appreciated our choice. She was a shy country girl. She lived a long and good life, caring for her family. She was not wealthy monetarily, but her family loved her, and to her, she was wealthy because of that. I read your musing every day. You have a lot of wisdom. Thank you for sharing it, SG, ?
Aloha Mark~ While we are each alone in our personal struggle, enduring physical and psychological suffering, we are also connected through human nature... all of us with minds that seek attachment to impermanent things. As I personally battle with my mind and my attachments this morning I am filled with gratitude to read your Musing... feeling less alone. Your openness and willingness to share is deeply appreciated. Mahalo for reminding me that suffering springs out of attachment to any of the objects of our perception.Your words are such a gift. With a grateful heart, GR, Haiku
Hi Mark, I thoroughly enjoy your musings - in fact I have attempted to reply to several but they did not go through. At present, I am focusing on several immediate matters that require attention toward resolution! The rest they will take care of itself! The best to you and your writing - spirited and influential, KB, Calgary
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 11:33 p.m.