Friday, March 23, 2007
Friday Mar. 23, 2007 - lapping over
[written and published from Calgary]
4C/39F, yet it seemed colder as pre-sunrise glow
filled cloudless sky with pinks and grays lapping over each other, Gusta's near-encounters with 5 dogs and 1 rabbit she desperately wanted to meet, if only she could only wrench the leash away, left my arm nearly ripped from its socket; our path through the park on mostly bare paving was a pleasant change from ice slurry dodging; ravenous pooch came home to devour breakfast, lapping her water dish as if she'd gone days without - I think she was over-lapping but that is over now - she settled by her open patio door, enjoying . . . just laying there, shedding without moving
gotta run, gotta get all this work done today so it is not lapping over to tomorrow – I have specific focused writing project for the weekend I want to protect from distraction, protect from anything overlapping
. . . a healthy pile of 'must finish today' work will ensure plenty of overlapping soon, the phone has been ringing quite a bit already - competing thoughts flying around my brain, overlapping with my walk-thoughts - all over the map, literally; this morning first derailed by dog encounters, nods and hello grunts from their owners, emails, faxes and several calls - lots of human interaction before 9 AM . . talking deals, talking dogs, talking Maui, talking . . talking; thinking beach thoughts, flower thoughts, golf thoughts, food thoughts . . intersecting and overlapping (that word always has multi-meanings for me)
would resting a head in someone’s lap too long be overlapping?
Gusta does it, loving someone stroking her head for hours . . hhmmm . . something we should all do more
this week has not been without challenges both personal and professional, overlapping; I see some things moving forward toward a result I really like . . slowly but purposefully, not because I want it so but because others do
that’s the secret, isn’t it?
people tend to do the deals they want to do, meet the people they want to meet, like the people they want to like, love those they want to love - because they want to, not because someone else wants them to; I think this holds true in every element of life, sometimes heading in opposite directions, sometimes overlapping . . . but inevitably doing what they wanted to do in the first place; getting what we want and wanting what we get . . . interwoven, spaghettied . . but not overlapping
have a great weekend
Mark Kolke