Sunday, February 25, 2007
Sunday Feb. 25, 2007 - inclinations
[written and published from Calgary]
-10C/14F, warming; Gusta’s muddy paws had a good long walk; mountains standing proud in the sunshine (scroll down for the view from end of our westbound leg through the park), fresh and so very quiet this morning
“I think we all wish we could erase some dark times in our lives. But all of life’s experiences, bad and good, make you who you are. Erasing any of life’s experiences would be a great mistake.” – Luis Miguel
an oyster builds a pearl by piling lots of attention on an irritant; this human lack that skill; I can take an irritant, give it attention, and create something very different and un-pearl like indeed - sometimes it is a great motivator to accomplish things, to head in new directions, to learn, to grow, to explore other inclinations . . . or I can try to clean up the mess I made
mistakes reveal character, mistakes build character; most are not fatal
late evening messages, late night calls; unfinished business or not; how can I judge?
possible misunderstandings, possible misinterpretations, possible this, possible that – too much to ponder, sleep took over
how do we separate mistakes we can forgive from character flaws we cannot tolerate; do we hang people out to dry or do we bring them in from the cold?
sometimes I find myself looking back on things I’ve done, choices I’ve made, inclinations I’ve had – wondering if I should have put the garbanzo beans in the sauce later so they would not burn, or not at all, wondering if I was right about this, wrong about that . . wondering about the path my life would have taken because of a word here, a move there, a handful of words somewhere else
it leaves me pondering many things - maybe this or that was a mistake (or not), or maybe I was mistaken in my view?
I have way too many flaws to suggest I should be entitled to judge someone else; I can choose to know them or not, choose to accept them or not, choose to like them or not – but MUST not judge them; I must limit myself to making the best informed choices I can
is that true for me or my inclinations; or what I wish I would do?
coffee at Heartland Café with one of the BB’s yesterday gave rise to a long, entertaining and enlightening exchange; extraordinary and interesting points of view for someone who keeps cats; thanks was fun
a good thing I can’t smell; my place must reek and be attractive to cats today; yesterday’s project produced 6 – 4litre pails of fish stock; my freezer now poised for bisque or chowder making inclinations
are everywhere
sometimes they lead me to change my mind, sometimes not; but always I hope they help me to expand it
Mark Kolke