Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Wednesday Jan. 31, 2007 - chance of flurries

[written at the internet café, Kihei, Maui – published about the time I am changing planes in Vancouver en route back to Calgary]

I’ve enjoyed responses, calls and feeling of ‘having many of you along’ these last two weeks; I know some of you enjoyed the travel-log, weather reports ( mostly sunny in Maui today, isolated showers, high 77-82F, chance of rain 20%; some the photos (one more today . .scroll down to see my last view from the lanai . . looking homeward), some the words too – it was a pleasure taking you along; my walk this morning . . in the Vancouver airport terminal will be hustle shuffle time; by the time this is read by musers I will have cleared customs, loaded my bags (and me) on a flight to Calgary whereby all we will arrive together about 10AM Calgary time; weather in Calgary – predicted to be –1C/30F, chance of flurries . . oh boy!

I will resume life with Gusta, work and play in Calgary, daily trips to they gym (need to work on that rotator cuff before golf season begins) . . . or at least before my next trip to Maui!

in a few days my tan will have swirled down the drain so that by the time spring arrives I will look just as pale as everyone else; but . . I will have broken the back of winter; daily routine, with or without a longing to get away someplace warm is OK; as much as I enjoyed the holiday, I am looking forward to being back - back to work, back home, back to ‘normal’

whatever these next few weeks hold, it will be a short sprint till it is time to wear shorts again; my TODAY will be filled with some urgent work, picking up Gusta and taking my dad out for an errand as well as ‘catching up’ with him . . . I have some other catching up to do too . . .

a slower pace, a work-year that starts Feb. 1, some very special projects I hope to work on, planning another trip . . .

planning a trip is not about the planning or the trip; it is about a change of pace, a change of scenery . . . and . . . once in a while, changing your life

go ahead, go away somewhere . . . even if you stay home

chance of flurries

stay warm


Mark Kolke

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